Virtual reality has been an idea in many of the science fiction and popular futuristic movies for decades. Scenes portray characters using virtual reality and becoming completely immersed in a new and different world that is controlled and created by computers. What were once only the dreams of sci-fi enthusiasts has become an extremely popular and highly engineered technology that is working to make those dreams a reality. In recent years, the changes to virtual reality have been monumental, with huge steps being taken to immerse an individual in a world that does not exist beyond the screen.
Although Virtual Reality has been around for decades, it wasn’t until now that this up-and-coming new technology had the ability to provide unique individuals with personalized and special experiences that they may be unable to perform on their own without specialized help. The possibilities of virtual reality are just beginning to be understood as the new technology is still in its infancy. Virtual reality technology is also creating new opportunities for doctors and physicians to be able to perform surgeries and operations from afar with precision and accuracy.
Google Cardboard
The high costs of virtual reality are slowly decreasing as more companies are releasing affordable options to experience virtual reality without breaking the bank. Google’s recent acquisition of the virtual reality company Oculus for $2 billion dollars has encouraged the wave of virtual reality engineers and designers to begin working on new and innovative ways to put this technology to the best use possible. Having recently released a cardboard virtual reality kit for $10, Google is the first to create a cheap way for customers to experience virtual reality and all it has to offer without having them buy an expensive virtual reality headset and system.
With a number of different colleges and scientists working on developing new virtual reality technologies, it is expected that a number of different virtual reality options will appear on the market. With a variety of options to choose from, the competition is sure to create more innovative products that will steadily open the market to more individuals such as physically unique people, veterans and the elderly, rather than simply virtual reality enthusiasts.
With virtual reality in the infancy of its development, the possibilities for the technology are just now being explored. Companies like Google are currently incorporating virtual reality in many of the different applications that they already supply. Google’s street view, which allows users to look at any location throughout the world and see a first person view of the area, is one such application. Google is currently allowing those with virtual reality headsets the capability to see the location through a virtual reality headset as if they are there in real life.
Google is currently working on a new project called Jump. This project allows average users the chance to record and take images in a three dimensional view. They can create and build their own virtual world that can be edited and worked on to provide a new and exciting experience for many individuals. With open outsourcing programs like Jump, people who would have nothing to do with virtual reality are finding it easier to become more involved in this new and rapidly changing industry.
Colleges and universities like Stanford are paving the path for engineers who wish to create virtual worlds and environments that will fully immerse the user as if they were really there. The students and engineers at Stanford are currently studying humans in the first Virtual Human Interaction Lab. This lab is designed to determine the effects of virtual reality on able-bodied humans as well as those who are physically unique. They already have conducted research trials on how able-bodied people are able to perform in a virtual reality where they are disabled and how being disabled in a virtual reality world affects them after the virtual reality experience is over.
Stanford’s study of virtual reality placed able-bodied participants in the body of those who are wheelchair bound or unable to use their legs. These people were able to gain a new understanding of their bodies. Some people also were given extra appendages in this virtual reality world to see how they would cope with these changes and adapt to their new bodies, and other participants were given the experience of color blindness within the virtual reality world to see what those who are affected by this ailment feel on a daily basis. Upon completion of this study, many of the participants said they were more likely to voluntarily assist people with these differences in real life than they were before.
A student in a VR simulation attempts to control extra limbs (image credit:
Stanford’s study on human experience and the effects of virtual reality goes even further as to experiment on physically unique individuals by encompassing them in a virtual reality where they have full function of their bodies. Many unique individuals who have experienced this for the first time are astounded at the feeling of a fully functioning body, although it is only during the virtual reality experience. Those who are physically unique have claimed that through these virtual reality experiences, it is possible for them to experience something that was truly thought to be impossible to them before. Through the virtual reality lab at Stanford University, scientists are expecting to be able to reshape the homunculus of the body. The homunculus of the body is an internal map that resides within the brain that dictates the body and its functions. By changing the way that the brain recognizes the body, the overall outlook of the individual and the way they perceive things will forever be changed.
Although virtual reality is a great tool in the aid of those who are physically unique, it also aids medical professionals in treating those same people. With the help of virtual reality, doctors and surgeons alike are capable of designing new limbs, practicing surgeries on virtual patients, creating more detailed and accessible designs of organs and body structure, and endless more possibilities.
For those who may have previously lost limbs and are bound to a wheelchair, doctors and engineers have developed prosthetic limbs with the help of virtual reality and are currently using the same technology to develop lighter, more mobile and sturdier prosthetic limbs. By being able to fully create, destroy, and manipulate different designs for prosthetic limbs through virtual reality, it is possible for these professionals to design prosthetics based specifically on the patient and built with incredible longevity.
Surgeries and other procedures have been developed and taken to unbelievable lengths with the help of virtual reality. Surgical simulations make it possible for surgeons to practice many different procedures on simulated devices with all of the realism of an actual surgery room and a live patient. Any problems or complications that may arise in a real surgery are programmed into these virtual reality situations to prepare the surgeon for many of the unexpected occurrences that happen in real life, making surgeries safer for patients and making surgeons much more confident in their abilities.
Dr. Robert Massof, a medical professional at the Johns Hopkins University Wilmer Eye Institute, even altered a virtual reality headset from its traditional use to create a powerful magnification tool for use by individuals with chronic vision problems. Using a complicated combination of powerful magnification lenses, mirrors, and video cameras, the device can help correct and alleviate common ocular issues and give people the opportunity to see better through this modified virtual reality headset.
Explore new environments
Although the use of virtual reality as an assistive device for physically unique individuals has little testing and experimenting thus far, those who have been lucky enough to experience it claim that it is well beyond what they previously thought could ever be done for them. For individuals who are unable to walk or use their legs, the opportunity for them to experience surfing, bike riding, walking, and various other mobile and athletic activities in a serene environment is a rare opportunity that previously was unavailable to people in their particular position.
Those who have special needs and are physically unique do not require any special treatment in the world of virtual reality. This enables those people to experience places from around the world, perform activities they thought impossible, and play games like any other person would. Their limitations are no longer limitations but rather possibilities in the world of virtual reality.
However, some setbacks have arisen for creating virtual reality software and devices for use by physically unique people. Setbacks such as creating games where movement is not restricted by wheelchairs or other helpful devices are slowly being overcome by engineers using new sensors in virtual reality devices that allow the user to use their head and hands to move their character along in the virtual reality world. For users who are unable to control and move their hands or head, more problems arise within the virtual reality community. However, if the users have control of a joystick, controller or some other similar device, it is possible to overcome these problems and still fully interact and play in a virtual reality world.
Many companies are working in a variety of ways to create virtual reality devices and applications for users with very specific needs. These companies work with the unique individuals to create and design worlds specifically with that person and their ailments in mind. As more companies develop these programs for more diverse people, the technology can help improve quality of life for unique individuals.
For many people who experience short or chronic pain, virtual reality can be seen as an outlet to rely on when the pain becomes unbearable. In a recent study at the University of Washington, Dr. Sam Sharar studied virtual reality and the effects it has on patients with irregular and chronic pain. His study showed that in many patients the virtual reality world has the chance of distracting the person from the pain they experience on a daily basis.
Dr. Sharar claims that “Cognitive distraction during a painful experience takes some of the conscious away from the painful stimulus.” When patients who suffer from severe or chronic pain immerse themselves in a completely virtual world, their brain will be distracted with the environment and activities around them and think of that rather than the intense pain they are experiencing.
SnowWorld (image credit:
Currently Dr. Sharar and his team are working on a new game called SnowWorld that is designed specifically for burn victims to help aid in their healing process. The virtual reality world is designed with cool landscapes containing blue and white hues. The user can play with snowmen, throw snowballs, and engage in games with icicles and snowy mountains. The music is specifically designed to fully immerse the user into the virtual reality world and help them truly escape the pain that they are experiencing in the real world.
Dr. Sharar and his team, along with most other scientists who study this particular phenomenon, still do not fully understand why the full immersion of a patient into a virtual reality world diminishes the amount of pain they physically feel. One hypothesis is that the virtual reality world causes the brain of the user to produce endorphins that help mask the pain from the user. Although experiments are being conducted to find out the exact reason, there are still no definitive results.
Dr. Diane Gromala, a sufferer of chronic pain herself, is discovering and creating new and ingenuous ways to help the over 100 million Americans that suffer from similar pain. Gromala’s team at the Chronic Pain Research Institute is currently working with these virtual reality technologies to interrupt the cognitive processes that the brain goes through in order to change the way pain is felt and the way it is perceived by the individual. Her use of biofeedback, which asks patients to focus on pain in order to produce thoughts about it, have proven to be an excellent sensor as to how much attention the pain is causing the patient and how the patient is reacting to it. Her specific virtual realities have worked on teaching the patients how to better control the pain rather than curing it.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, and one way to develop it could be through virtual reality. What was once unknown or misunderstood, could become an impressionable learning experience through scenarios that put you in another’s shoes.
At the Oregon Research Institute, doctors and engineers were using virtual reality to help a young boy with Cerebral Palsy, five-year-old Christopher Cobbs. Christopher is using a virtual reality headset that creates an imaginary three-dimensional universe for him to help him learn how to control and operate a motorized wheelchair. His 3D world is filled with a variety of different types of terrains and scenarios. Grassy fields, icy streets and muddy sidewalks are all being conquered by Christopher in this virtual world.
After traversing through these difficult terrains, Christopher is set to begin his navigation through more common areas such as crossing busy streets or travelling through the hallways of a busy elementary school. Christopher is learning all of this to prepare him for the real world and show him how he will navigate through the world using his wheelchair.
This breakthrough occurred over twenty years ago. The Oregon Research Institute and Christopher worked with this level of virtual reality in April of 1994. Christopher Cobbs is now in his late twenties, and the development of virtual reality aids to help those who face physical challenges has only improved a miniscule amount until just recently.
With such an innovative and practical use for virtual reality discovered over twenty years ago, it is hard to imagine that so little has been heard about this subject since. It was not until recently that the major opportunities and possibilities of these technologies with those who are physically unique are being picked up by the mainstream media and being publicized to a larger audience. Only after these amazing breakthroughs were publicized did more scientists and engineers decide to get involved and help this technology grow to its fullest potential.
Out of Russia comes a social movement led by VRability, whose videos are created to motivate those with disabilities by putting them in the front row seat of other disabled people participating in sports activities. The videos are shot using GoPro’s 360 degree rig, which gives the viewer a wider view, with which they can focus on any aspect of. The video plays, but the view and angle you watch from is entirely up to you. Not only does VRability hope to empower those with disabilities to be more active, but they also hope a collaborative effort can come of this, and more organizations can work towards a shared goal of creating a more comfortable environment for all people.
Links to virtual reality and helping those who suffer from PTSD go back as far as 1997 when Georgia Tech released their software program called Virtual Vietnam VR. There have been few studies that show what these technologies can do to help those who are suffering from PTSD. One particular study from the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies found that virtual reality helped soldiers with PTSD cope with their experiences. Soldiers who have used virtual reality to help treat their PTSD recreate situations and circumstances that were once scary and traumatic to them. This is done in a controlled environment where they know they are safe. By viewing these scenarios in the controlled environment, the veterans learn how to control their responses to the flashbacks to reduce the trauma experienced and potentially diffuse the negative behaviors triggered by the memories.
More notably, Virtual Reality is being used by the military to help soldiers prepare for wartime and the many experiences that they will go through during their tour of duty, rather than helping the soldiers post war. Although the in-depth virtual reality machines at these military outlets can be quite costly, the effectiveness of virtually immersing the soldier in the environment and landscape with the sounds and actions of battle in an effort to reduce PTSD in veterans is an expense that the military is willing to bear.
The AbleGamers Foundation is a charity whose philosophy is that games allow physically unique people to do things that they would not be capable of doing in real life. This idea includes able-bodied people, as well. Mark Bartlet, a senior member of the Able Gamers Foundation, believes that the physically unique community should never be excluded from any asset of society. While his primary focus is on video games, the overall potential for virtual reality in this change is certain. Bartlet says that “virtual reality will have a special meaning for disabled people… it means that for moments in time they can forget their disabilities and be immersed in the game. I think it could be the greatest thing since sliced bread for some… because they can completely reshape their world for a minute.”
AbleGamers create specialty controllers that are functional for all types of people (image credit:
When Xbox released their Xbox Kinect, a tool that allows users to move their bodies to control the Xbox and video games that are compatible, many people thought that this could ruin gaming for those who are physically unique. However, for many of those video game users who are bound to a wheelchair, Kinect actually offered them many benefits and advantages by allowing them to control the Xbox and its games using simply their voice.
A new gamer in the making (image credit:
Although the gaming industry seems to be on the right track for creating new virtual reality systems and games, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done to fully accomplish the goal of using virtual reality to assist physically unique people. Virtual reality is still in a very early stage, and developing games and worlds that correspond with those games continues to be challenging. Bartlet and a few others are pioneering the movement in creating a world that allows for all gamers of all types to enjoy playing video games and immersing themselves in worlds other than their own current situation.
Specular Theory – The company Specular Theory is currently developing and creating new virtual reality worlds aimed at helping unique individuals experience activities that they otherwise would not be able to achieve. Danny Kurtzman, who has Muscular Dystrophy, has been unable to experience many of the everyday experiences that physically-able people can. Kurtzman, who has experienced surfing on waves in the past, was only able to lie down on the board and get carried into the water with a team of twelve people. Recently with the help of Specular Theory, Kurtzman was able to experience surfing at a completely different perspective.
Kurtzman’s first experience in this virtual reality surfing world was unlike his previous experience while actually out in the water. When asked how this experience compared to his previous surfing experience, Kurtzman says “In the headset I could actually experience surfing standing up! It gave me that awesome feeling – that butterfly happiness feeling. It allowed me to experience something I thought I never could experience.”
Ryan Pulliam and Morris May, two co-founders of Specular Theory, have claimed that after the experience with Kurtzman, the reasoning and expectations behind their virtual reality experiments goes well beyond what they originally expected. Pulliam says “He (Kurtzman) made us realize this goes beyond empathy – it’s a way to inspire people with disabilities and give them new experiences as if they are real. It’s this powerful, magical moment.”
ALEH – ALEH is Israel’s largest network of facilities for children with severe cognitive issues or who are physically unique. Yael Shidlovsky Press, the occupational therapist at this organization, tailored this advanced virtual reality software for the more than one hundred residents of this facility. According to Press, these children do go on field trips and outdoors often but due to their physical capabilities are often limited to what they are able to do and achieve while on these field trips.
These residents, who are between the ages of 6 and 30, are often in environments outside that could create hazards for them if they were to fully extend themselves beyond their limitations. Some of these residents who have wished to drive cars, fly planes, or simply pick flowers have been unable to do so throughout their entire lives due to the amount of strict rules they have been put under. With the help of Press’s research and the virtual reality program that has been implemented in this facility, it is possible for many of them to achieve their dreams without leaving the safety of the facility.
“Research shows that virtual reality is more successful than standard approaches in motor and cognitive treatments because the simulated activities are perceived by the brain as real,” Press states. “For the cognitively disabled population, the use of VR through this system is innovative, challenging, and relatively little researched.” Despite the lack of research, it has been shown to be effective, which only proves that the possibilities affiliated with virtual reality are practically limitless.
Press claims that the invention of virtual reality and its technology, although originally intended for entertainment purposes, has clearly made big differences in some of her residents’ lives. One resident, who is a young girl they called “Einat”, was able to overcome the problems she was encountering when it came to defining colors and different shapes. Through the use of this new technology, she was able to copy a picture of a house which was then emailed to her father through the help of her occupational therapist. Her father, who was extremely proud of what his daughter accomplished, responded. This interaction created an open link for both Einat and her parents to communicate on a level that they were never able to before.
(image credit:
Project BreakThru – The University of Georgia and the Georgia institute of Technology are currently developing a new program called BreakThru, which works to help physically unique students pursue STEM careers. BreakThru works to connect students who are physically unique with teachers and mentors in various areas of the world that promotes universal and unbiased learning for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math based degrees. This program uses the technology that virtual reality allows to eliminate the boundaries and limitations that students may have in the traditional classroom and to help them reach teachers and mentors that otherwise would have been worlds away.
Virtual reality is facing many problems when it comes to creating and developing this technology and making it accessible to all users. Although physically safe to use, some users are feeling and experiencing motion sickness and nausea, and others are developing symptoms of trauma. The actual cause of these problems is still unclear, as are their solutions. While studies have been conducted, scientists still have no concrete results on the effects that virtual reality has on the user’s brain and on their senses. Being completely immersed in a virtual world can have disorientating effects on the user, and some find it uncomfortable or even unbearable, which can obviously pose problems for the future of this technology.
Releasing virtual reality products to the open market for purchase is also a setback that many companies seem to be facing. While it seems like a booming industry, many are still opposed to the idea of virtual reality becoming a dominant form for experiencing new lifestyles and environments. This lack of belief in virtual reality makes it hard for companies to generate the funding necessary to create and discover new possibilities in virtual reality.
With such a new and innovative technology, it is impossible to know what the future has in store for virtual reality. The many different companies and people that are working on virtual reality and its possibilities are working at a tireless pace, creating new and unheard of technologies that are innovative and unique and will change the way people live their lives.
For those who are physically unique, the possibilities that can be created with virtual reality are really endless. The new experiences that they may be able to go through and the places that they may be able to travel in this virtual reality world would be life changing for many of these people. In a world where physically unique people are limited by their capabilities, they will have the chance to fully realize the world and its endless opportunities in a virtual reality experience where their limitations are no longer a problem or constraint.
As virtual reality begins its migration from scientific laboratories into the homes of the everyday user, the technology and prices of the devices should continue to become more affordable and relevant. This affordability allows more people to open their hearts and minds and allows them to begin to accept the fact that virtual reality will become a part of physically unique people’s daily lives, and could work to improve those lives.
In the medical community, the promise of virtual reality seems to be well received and could be a successful and life-changing opportunity for many doctors and patients. The possibility that virtual reality could help those with severe or chronic pain is not a possibility that can go untested and should be further explored by medical and scientific professionals. If virtual reality has the possibility to help even one person manage and find relief from the incredible pain they suffer, then scientists and universities will continue to do all they can to ensure that the potential of this technology and affiliated devices is fully realized and able to help people.
For the full effects of virtual reality to come to fruition, the vendors of this technology will need to be able to identify and target the correct market. Although the market for virtual reality is varied and constantly changing, the audience of video gamers and physically unique people will stay the same. Those people wish to immerse themselves in another world and reality and experience things that would be simply out of their reach without the help of virtual reality. For the time being, higher end and more expensive virtual reality software will dominate the media and industry, but as the technology becomes more efficient and affordable, cheaper software will become available for the everyday user. In addition to this cheaper software, other challenges for virtual reality development will be presented, such as how it will stay relevant, how the users will respond, and how it will determine its longevity in an ever-changing marketplace.
Although virtual reality may not be useful to all those who are physically unique, it will provide an outlet to relieve stress, experience new adventures, and create new opportunities. Scientists and engineers are working tirelessly to help individuals with multitudes of different ailments with the help of this technology. For those physically unique people that do not have any negative side effects from virtual reality technology, it will be a life changing aid that will help them experience adventures and events they would otherwise have extremely limited access to. In addition to the opportunity for new experiences, it can also help alleviate symptoms for those who suffer from any kind of chronic pain disorder, recovering burn victims or those who are experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder and affiliated syndromes. In past studies, virtual reality has benefited physically unique children and many ways and going forward can only be of more help to more people.
The future is here! If you are one of the millions of physically unique individuals around the world that require the use of a prosthetic limb, prepare to be amazed. In fact, you will be amazed even if you do not wear a prosthetic limb.
When prosthetic limbs were first created, they had seemed like something straight out of science fiction, but they have been a boon to countless unique individuals. Well, technology never stands still and designers, inventors and creative artists have not rested on their laurels either. No, sir, they keep pushing the frontiers of technology.
The result is, physically unique members of society can easily obtain much less expensive and quicker prosthetics by way of 3D printing. You read that right: 3D printed prosthetics! I bet that made you sit up straight and take notice. It certainly boggles the mind. But how exactly does 3D printing and prosthetics work?
Okay, you know what three dimensional means; you know what printing is, but what exactly is 3D printing, you ask? That is a very good question.
3D printing is the process of creating solid, three-dimensional objects from digital files. The process is additive, which means that layers upon layers of material are laid down in succession until the desired object is created. That is to say, the final object is built layer by layer, and each layer forms a thin, horizontal cross-section. You can check out this clip to see an example:
With 3D printing, a thin plastic filament is melted. The melted filament is then squeezed through a nozzle. A computer-generated rendering is created, one layer at a time. The bottom layer is created first, and then successive layers are added in turn.
Now you are thinking: So far, so good, but how does it work? Well, it is fairly simple actually. Let us say that you were going to create a 3D object: You would first of all create a virtual design of that particular object. To do this, you would build the virtual design via a 3D modeling program in a Computer Aided Design, or CAD file. The final model is then sliced by the software into many hundreds of horizontal layers. The file is then uploaded into the 3D printer, and the printer proceeds to create your object layer after layer after layer until — voila — a completed three dimensional object emerges! The layers are so seamlessly fused, they are undetectable by the human eye.
All right, you are now 3D printing savvy, but now you are wondering: Why 3D printed prosthetics?
There are many reasons why 3D printed prosthetics make sense, and why this particular technology promises to be the way forward for physically unique people. The prosthetic-making process is a difficult one. In addition, it is an expensive process. The main benefits of 3D printed prosthetics include:
It is tempting to think that 3D printed prosthetics cannot be as good as conventional prosthetics but, surprise, surprise, 3D printed prosthetics compare favorably with, and seem to trump, conventional prosthetics on a number of fronts. Examples include:
Furthermore, there is nothing like word of mouth from a real-life user in the recommendation of a product. In April 2014, 3D universe, a website that is focuses on 3D printing, published a rather enlightening article in which a physically unique wearer of a prosthetic limb compared his regular prosthetic hand, that cost $42,000, to a 3D printed Cyborg Beast hand that cost only $50 to produce. If you have been feeling somewhat skeptical so far, his comparison of the 3D printed prosthetic hand to the real deal should convince you of the merits of 3D printed prosthetics. You be the judge. Here is his story in a nutshell:
Born with his left hand missing, 53-year-old Jose Delgado Jr. has a lifetime’s experience of many different prosthetic devices. For the past year, he has had the use of a myoelectric prosthetic device that cost $42,000. Jose was fortunate in that his insurance company picked up the cost of this hugely expensive device. Many physically unique individuals are not so lucky.
This myoelectric prosthetic device works by taking the signals produced by the muscle fibers within his forearm, and translating those same signals to move the fingers of the prosthetic hand mechanically. The prosthetic hand is actually a very good replica of a real hand.
Anyway, Jose agreed to test the 3D printed Cyborg Beast prosthetic hand that was printed out by Jeremy Simon of Source:
When Simon met up with Jose, Simon was unsure how the 3D printed prosthetic hand, costing just $50, would compare with Jose’s Cyborg Beast hand that cost $42,000. After all, Jose’s job involved a good amount of lifting and other manual activities, so any prosthetic hand had to be up to such demanding tasks on a daily basis. Really, what chance did a 3D printed hand that was created from ABS plastic have against such an expensive prosthetic hand? Nevertheless, Simon fitted Jose with the 3D hand.
Time passed — as it has a habit of doing — and Simon once again met up with Jose. Imagine how astounded and delighted Simon was when Jose told him that the 3D printed prosthetic hand had out-performed the prohibitively costly $42,000 myoelectric hand that he had been using for more than twelve months. Jose went on to tell Simon that he much preferred the 3D printed hand. Who would have thought it?
Testing his new hand
Well, the upshot is: Simon is now in the process of printing a newer, stronger hand for Jose. Simon is using Bridge nylon, which is stronger than ABS plastic. As such, Jose will receive a new 3D printed prosthetic hand that is even more robust than the one he tested.
Now, perhaps you are mostly convinced, but you are wondering what happens when breakage occurs. Yes, things break but, in the case of 3D printed prosthetics, a replacement can be printed easily and quickly. If only it were that simple to fix the broken shingles on the roof, or the massive dent in the car door.
If you agree that Jose’s story is absolutely amazing, you can add your voice to the discussion about Jose’s experiences. It can be found at under Delgado’s experiences. Jose’s story validates and recommends 3D printed prosthetics in a way that not even the slickest marketing campaign or advertising strategy could.
The Cyborg Beast 3D printed prosthetic hand is the same type of prosthetic hand that was used in the Robohand project. These open source 3D printed hands have helped/enabled more than 200 people around the world. Not only are they very affordable, they are also extremely versatile and easy to use. At a cost of just a mere $50 to cover materials for each 3D printed hand, the cost of Jose’s myoelectric hand — $42,000 — could produce 840 of the 3D printed prosthetic hands. Source:
Jose’s story, above, is not a one-off by any means. An increasing number of physically unique individuals are reaping the benefits of 3D printed prosthetic limbs. For them, science fiction has become their science fact — their reality.
Below, we meet eight people with a variety of 3D printed prosthetics, and we learn what kind of impact their prosthetic limbs have had on their lives.
Come: Take the journey with me as we share their personal stories. Let us marvel at modern technology, human ingenuity and the indomitably of the human spirit that refuses to say “quit!”
Amanda, standing in her ekso-suitAmanda’s Ekso-Suit was fully customized. Using data obtained from a full body scan, custom parts were printed to perfectly fit Amanda’s body. The addition of mechanical parts from EksoBionics provided the necessary automation. In this way, Amanda can safely move around on her legs, with the assistance of a pair of walking sticks.
Amanda now has a new lease on life: She is one of ten test pilots who assist in the design and testing processes of 3D printed exoskeleton devices. I am sure you will agree that Amanda’s life has been transformed.
The potential now exists for countless people with spinal injuries to regain their mobility, just like Amanda has.
You can learn more about the device, and the mechanisms by which it works, at this website:
Hayley Fraser Hayley, aged five, was born without fingers on her left hand. The condition, known as symbrachydactyly, left just a stump at the end of her arm.
Hayley was so self-conscious about the stump, and she often attempted to hide it whenever photographs were taken of her, and at nursery school.
Not anymore! Hayley is now the proud owner of a girly-pink, 3D printed prosthetic arm. She is the first British child to receive such a device. E-Nable, a charity based in the United States, made the arm for Hayley, after the British National Health Service turned down her parents’ request for a prosthetic. The team of volunteers took inspiration from the Iron Man super-hero in their creation of Hayley’s arm.
A happy and confident Hayley now likes to show off her very unique limb. Her dream has come true and her self-esteem has skyrocketed. She can now do things that other children who are not physically unique take for granted: Hayley can hold her teddy bear. She can even peel a banana by herself and — wonders never cease — she can now paint her nails. Hayley feels very special indeed.
When Hayley, from Inverness in Scotland, was three-years-old, doctors in Edinburgh suggested transplanting a toe to her left hand, which they would turn into a finger. However, her parents searched for other options. Through an Internet search, they learned about E-Nable. Hayley was matched with a volunteer at the University of Wisconsin, Professor Frankie Flood.
A plaster cast of Hayley’s arm was sent across the Atlantic Ocean to Professor Flood. He made the 3D printed prosthetic parts and created Hayley’s extraordinary pink and purple arm. The whole process took just six weeks. Extraordinary!
Hayley’s hand is controlled by her wrist: Her fingers close with the downward movement of her hand, and her fingers open with an upward movement of her hand. Thanks to E-Nable, Hayley is now a true Wonder Girl — and probably the envy of all the other children in her school! Source:
Emma Lavelle
Little Emma was born with a rare condition that negatively impacted her muscular strength and limited her mobility. The medical name for Emma’s condition is arthrogryposis multiplex congenital.
As her mother Megan Lavelle tells us in a heartbreaking YouTube video, Emma’s shoulders were rotated and her legs were up at her ears when she was born. As she grew, Emma was able to slowly gain control of her lower limbs, but it soon became evident that she would never gain control of her arms. Emma could not wipe away her tears by herself. She could not feed herself. Emma could not color or draw pictures like other little girls and boys.
Drawing However, that all changed when her mother learned about Wilmington Robotic Exoskeleton (WREX) when she attended a family conference. Working at the Nemours/Alfred I. DuPont Hospital for Children, Tariq Rahman and Whitney Sample created the WREX, and they invited Emma to try out the early prototype of the device. When Emma tried it, she was able to raise her hands to her mouth for the first time in her short life. It was a truly inspiring and heartwarming sight for all the people involved.
As joyous as that occasion was, the prototype WREX was too big and heavy for a little child like Emma. Undaunted, Tariq Rahman and Whitney Sample set about creating a smaller WREX that Emma could carry around quite easily.
Now, Emma has complete bodily independence that allows her to use her arms as well as her other limbs. Emma can play using her hands, she can feed herself and she can wipe away tears of joy from the happiness that she derives from her “magic arms” — as she calls them.
Thanks to its ease of customization and manufacturing, the device is super easy to produce. Source:
Natasha Hope-Simpson A 24-year-old artist and musician from Wolfville, Nova Scotia in Canada, Natasha was involved in a hit-and-run collision between two cars.
After Natasha underwent a total of eight surgeries, doctors concluded that her badly mangled leg could not be saved. Amputation was the only viable option that remained. So, amputation it was!
Even so, big-hearted Natasha is filled with the most amazing grace. She has found it within herself to forgive the driver of the other car that destroyed her leg. Incidentally, to date, the driver has not been found.
Equally, Natasha did not give in to despair. Instead, she looked toward possibilities. With her creative instincts bubbling inside her, Natasha sought to design a better-looking prosthetic limb than the one she was given.
Through a number of contacts, and contacts of contacts, Natasha eventually collaborated with Mike Fanning at NovaCad: 3D Systems reseller. Other interested parties also provided assistance and, a laser scan was made of Natasha’s good leg so as to fully capture her body’s symmetry. Ultimately, Jourdan Dakov and Kendall Joudrie of Thinking Robot Studies created a stable prototype in consultation with Natasha. The actual aesthetics was left to Natasha.
Whilst she had a ton of ideas, Natasha did not have a lot of time. She had been attracted to some Dreamer/Nightmare masks at Shapeways. Learning of Natasha’s story, the artist at Shapeways donated the design to Natasha’s project, and the mask-inspired 3D printed prosthetic was born.
With her printed legThe complete design and engineering process for Natasha’s prosthetic took just 15 days from conception to production. Through Natasha’s creative vision — a vision that was born of adversity, loss and heartache — other owners of 3D printed prosthetics will benefit from Natasha’s
aesthetically-pleasing limbs as they become widely available. As for Natasha, she has found a new purpose in life. With the creative team working with her, she is a woman on a mission.
Natasha’s whole approach to the tragedy that entered her life is truly inspiring and uplifting. We can all learn something from Natasha’s can-do spirit and determination.
Liam Liam is a small boy in South Africa. He had no fingers on his right hand, and wasn’t able to ride a bike or do a number of other things like other boys his age.
That has changed, however. Liam is now a happy, smiling boy in possession of a 3D printed mechanical hand. In fact, Liam received two prosthetic hands: The Talon and the Talon Beast , giving Liam a choice of which hand to wear at any particular time.
How did this come about? Well, Liam is one of the recipients of the Maker movement, “Give your neighbors a hand.” This movement within the E-Nable community has become a global phenomenon. Prop Maker has promised to create new hands for Liam until he becomes an adult. Such generosity is remarkable indeed, especially when you consider that the devices have to be shipped over a distance of 10,000 miles!
Liam is now a beaming little boy as he rides his bike and shows off his new hands. They are hands that were made by people he has never met, and who gave of their time for a child who was a world away.
Howard Kamarta A year ago, Howard Kamarata, a United States Navy veteran, was doing some carpentry work when a freak accident led to the loss of four fingers on his left hand. Surgeons were able to save his little finger, but Howard was left with 3 nubs between his thumb and pinky. A married man, Howard had even lost his ring finger!
At a church function the following week, Howard and his wife Pat met Casey Barrett. Casey is an industrial designer, and he had seen a YouTube video of young Liam in South Africa, and learned about Liam’s 3D printed prosthetic hands. Wishing to help Howard, Casey Barrett accessed files for a partial finger prototype and created a partial finger 3D printed prosthetic for Howard.
Testing his new fingersThe two men are now collaborating on the creation of 3 different segments in each finger, using similar flexible material to that used by the Flexyhand design.
In the meantime, Howard is enjoying the use of his new fingers and learning to use them for more things with each passing day. He does not have to rely on others to pick up things such as cups and bottles for him, and he can even play cards with his buddies once again. Howard had thought many activities were lost to him after the accident occurred, but 3D printed prosthetics have restored normal functions to his hand.
The two men have now formed a partnership with Matt Augee of RecFX Foundation. They have a vision of creating free 3D printed prosthetic hands and fingers for anyone in need. Their particular focus will be on veterans and military family members.
Alex Pring
Alex Pring Six-year-old Alex was born with a partial right arm, and a prosthetic limb was too expensive for his family, especially when their insurance company refused to cover the cost.
In an effort to help her son, Alex’s mother, Alyson Pring, contacted an online community that specializes in making 3D printed prosthetic hands. A doctoral student, Albert Manero, read Alyson’s letter and was moved to help.
Testing it out
Albert Manero and a group of fellow students at the University of Central Florida got together and, over the course of seven weeks, built a 3D printed prosthetic arm for Alex. It cost only $350 to build, a mere fraction of the $40,000 that a conventional prosthetic would have cost.
Alex is extremely pleased with his “robot arm,” and says it is “not even heavy.” Alex is happy that he can now “feel” things.
Leon McCarthy When Leon was born, he had no fingers on his left hand, but his family could not afford the many thousands of dollars that conventional prosthetics cost.
After a search on the Internet, Leon’s father found the answer to their prayers. It came in the form of a YouTube video that showcased the work of Ivan Owen. Owen had used a 3D printer to make a prosthetic hand for a five-year-old boy back in 2011. Leon’s father was inspired: He used the 3D printer at Leon’s school and, following Owen’s directions, he created a prosthetic hand for Leon.
Now, the 12-year-old can draw pictures, hold bottles, pick up food and do all the things that others take for granted. Furthermore, the father wants to use his new-found knowledge and skill to help others who are in need of prosthetics.
There seems to be a snowball effect to 3D printing technology. Overwhelming, it seems that people who have been helped by the 3D printing technology want to go on to help others. This is a fantastic way to help the 3D printing revolution expand.
In the exciting world of 3D printed prosthetics, countless volunteers, companies and organizations have given of their time, expertise and creativity to help others.
What follows is a brief who’s who in 3D printed prosthetics:
Some other companies and individuals who are forging new frontiers in 3D printed prosthetics include:
The somewhat limited scope of this article means that not every worthy individual, group or organization can be mentioned. For this, apologies must be made to the countless and nameless individuals who have been left out. Your work is no less valued, and your efforts are truly life-changing. We thank you for all that you do.
Anyone can become involved in the 3D printed prosthetic revolution. If you are ready, willing and able to join the revolution, you have many options:
The benefits of 3D printing are not confined to the prosthetic revolution. The technology is changing perceptions and expectations, and it is not just about prosthetics.
3D printing can be used to create a variety of bodily organs and anatomical parts. Currently, 3D printing is being used to make a variety of medical implants, and they fit better than older cranial implants that are known to cause seizures or to block blood vessels.
According to Professor David Dean at Ohio State University, the problems that plagued older technology are a thing of the past. He states that 3D printing has given major hospitals the ability to use specially-printed implants that are customized to each patient. These new implants are typically printed and delivered to hospitals on the same day.
Read more here: Source:
3D printed implants include the following:
3D printing is proving to be a boon particularly in pediatric medicine. It has been reported in the British press that each child that suffers the loss of an ear, or those who have disfiguring ear injuries or defects, will be given 3D printed ears in the near future. Scientists have developed an exciting and ground-breaking technique that they will use to correct the defects.
The team of scientists at University College London, led by Professor Alex Selfalian, discovered that it is possible to print the structure of the ear using a type of biological “ink” that builds up layer-by-layer to form the shape of the ear.
The ear would then be implanted in the arm, under a flap of skin. It would be left there to develop blood vessels, and after a period of time the ear would be attached to its usual position at the side of the head.
The technology has already been shown to work. Indeed, ears have been grown on the backs of rats, and it is just a small step to apply the technology to human beings. Human trials are to begin in the very near future in the United Kingdom and in India. The technology has widespread application, especially as a great many children are born without ears in India and other parts of Asia. In fact, the problem is massive, and the need is pressing. Indeed, there are already numerous children in Mumbai waiting to take part in the upcoming trial, so dire is the need there.
The current procedure for replacing or repairing ears involves the process of removing cartilage from another part of the body, such as the rib. It is a rather involved procedure that is both invasive and painful for the patient. With 3D printing, being able to just print off an ear using 3D printing technology means that the surgeon would only have to perform one operation, compared to the four or five operations that are currently necessary. It is easy to see, then, that 3D printing can save each child a lot of fear, pain and discomfort.
With the 3D technique, scientists scan the undamaged ear and then flip the picture, thereby creating a mirror image copy to make a life-like ear.
The 3D printing revolution has given rise to some heartwarming and inspirational stories about the recipients of 3D printed prosthetics, and the people and organizations that made their dreams a reality. The remarkable thing is: The revolution is still in its infancy, and will grow by leaps and bounds.
No man is an island
The metaphysical poet, John Donne, had written that “no man is an island” and the volunteers and organizations mentioned in this article certainly epitomize that phrase. The phrase seems to have become their creed as they help people around the world live more fulfilled lives.
Many of the recipients of 3D printed prosthetics had thought themselves cut off from normal life, each being, in essence, an island unto him- or herself. Not so! The people behind 3D printing and 3D printed prosthetics have shown the world that “no man is an island.”
In a world of wars, conflict, accidents and physical uniqueness, there is hope. From the soldier who has lost a limb in battle, to the victims of mine explosions sin Africa, to the children born without limbs or digits, there is hope. For those who cannot afford conventional prosthetics, or those who do not have access to the technology, there is hope. That hope is contained in these few words: 3D printing and prosthetics.
Open source designs and 3D printed prosthetics will not be able to help everyone who has a need, but it offers hope to many who had previously been without hope — and what is life where there is no hope?
3D printing and prosthetics is the promise of the future — and the future is here!
]]>Walkable cities are great for families and senior citizens, but disability friendly cities are great for everyone. Areas that have good sidewalks with wheelchair access are important qualities. However, there are quite a few more qualities that make a city good for the disabled. The weather needs to be looked at because extreme temperatures or lots of rain and snow can be a major obstacle to those trying to get around in a wheelchair. It is also essential to take into account the air quality, accessible fitness centers, physicians, rehab centers, and transit options
It is also a plus, if the disabled in the city are quickly able to find a job and keep that job as well. Cities that have modern buildings also do better because it is easier to upgrade a new building to provide handicap access.
Here is a list, in no particular order, of 22 disability friendly cities:
1. Albuquerque, N.M.
Great weather is a primary reason for this city being chosen, with highs in the 50s and 60s in the winter and moderate weather in the summer. The monsoon season that starts around July cools off what would be a blistering summer. It is also home to the prestigious University of New Mexico Hospital, which is known for its innovative procedures. They have a great transit system that includes modern rail and rapid bus service. They also give discounted fares to the disabled and provide SunVan service to any destination in the city.
2. Lubbock, Texas
This city has a modern transit system and they recently switched to hybrid buses that are equipped to accommodate large wheelchairs. The weather is near perfect with average highs of 60 degrees in the middle of winter. The city itself is quite sprawled out, but the nice climate and good bus system help to counteract that.
3. Winston-Salem, N.C.
Usually if a city is great for retired folks, it will be great for those with disabilities. Winston-Salem proves this to be true because it attracts both sides of the spectrum. This is due to its impressive health care system, with the Novant Health Facilities and Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center located within the city. This area has grown more than 50% since 1990 and has plenty of new construction that accommodates the disabled.
4. Orlando, Fla.
This is another one on the list that is home to its fair share of retirees, in fact this area is known for its older population. However, it is also great for the disabled because of its mild weather. Yes, there are hurricanes but its great weather balances that out. The modern wheelchair accessible construction combined with its wonderful transit system, and a huge healthcare network makes this one of the most disability friendly cities around. Plus, there is virtually an unlimited amount of entertainment in the area. The well-known amusement parks in the area are very disability friendly and most, if not all, areas of the parks are wheelchair accessible.
5. Chicago, Illinois
This is not a run-of-the-mill disability friendly city, with its old tall buildings and snowy, windy weather. The thing that draws those with handicaps to this area is the transit system, which has made almost all of its rail stations very accessible to the handicapped. They also offer a discounted fare to those in a wheelchair. This great city also has a broad healthcare system and the University of Illinois is creating a Healthy Community Mapping System. This system will track the handicapped accessibility of fitness centers, sidewalks, businesses, and more. The goal is to make them as convenient and easy to navigate as possible. It will tell users where the best areas are and let them know where there are going to be obstacles like a bad sidewalk or narrow door.
6. Portland, Ore.
This city has the Oregon Health and Science University Hospital, The Legacy Health System, and many other healthcare facilities to offer the disabled. This means there are plenty of different choices when it comes to getting great healthcare. The best thing about Portland is how easy it is to reach those facilities. The city has many different transit options including, bus, light rail, and even streetcars. All of which accommodate wheelchairs. However, the TriMet’s transportation system has a Lift service that provides riders with more than 250 minibuses and over a dozen cars that will take them anywhere in the city.
7. Denver, Co.
At one time in the past, Denver was an overgrown sprawling mess whose transit system was impossible for almost anyone to use. The good news is that this is no longer so. Now, the transit system has extended its rail and bus and made it wheelchair accessible as well. There is priority seating offered to those with handicaps and there is a well-run Access-a-ride program which will take wheelchair users anyplace that is within almost a mile radius of the transit system. There is also plenty to do in Denver, with its large bustling downtown that is handicap friendly as well.
8. Birmingham, Ala.
With temperatures in the 60s, the mild winter weather helped get this city on the list. Although, the great weather is not the only good thing about Birmingham, there is also a large variety of healthcare resources due to HealthSouth and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The best thing about the city is the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority. They operate more than 24 paratransit buses within the city.
9. Reno, Nev.
This vibrant city has long been known as “The Biggest Little City in the World”, and although it can get quite cold during the winter and is windy most of the year, it is also dry with very little rain to keep people from going out. They have wheelchair accessible buses and bus rapid transit systems that offer discounted fares for those with a disability. The access to a quality transit systems helps to make the city feel small. Plus they provide paratransit services within the city and to some outlying areas as well. Most of the casinos, shows, and restaurants are wheelchair accessible because the city has many tourists from all over the world. This is a place where one will never get bored, and besides the great nightlife, the city has many handicapped accessible parks to enjoy.
10. Seattle, WA.
Even with the boatloads of rain and hilly areas, this city easily makes this list because of its modern transit system. The city offers handicap accessible buses and light rail lines that are discounted to wheelchair users. There is also a paratransit van service that will take a user anywhere within the large city. There is a rideshare program for the handicapped and maps that show downtown routes that are accessible to those with disabilities This helps to make a notoriously tough city to get around in very easy to access. There are many modern buildings and facilities that are easy to navigate and there are plenty of healthcare facilities in the area.
11. Baltimore, MD.
This city gave birth to our national anthem and has a rich history that residents and visitors love, however, it is also accessible to those with handicaps as well. It is easy to enjoy the myriad of activities within the city, such as the Fort McHenry Nation Monument that offers an ample visitor’s center, handicap accessible outdoor activities and more. The transit system makes it easy to get around and offers discounts to those in a wheelchair. There are so many handicap friendly attractions like the National Aquarium, (known to be very wheelchair accessible), which has a huge collection of marine exhibits from all over the world. The aquarium has more than 660 different species and over 15,000 creatures within its walls. The Baltimore coast is also handicap friendly and as many places to shop, eat, and play.
12. Cheyenne, WY.
Cheyenne is the capital of Wyoming and has a fun, romantic Wild West feel to it. It also has the vibrant sophistication of a modern city. Situated on the northern area of the Rocky Mountains, this area offers stunning views. The climate is mild with an average summer high of only 80 degrees and the city enjoys around 327 days of sunshine. There is no state income tax which makes the cost of living manageable for those living on a fixed income. The transit provides safe and reliable transportation to those who are handicapped. There is a paratransit service in the city to help provide safe transit services to the disabled.
13. Tucson, AZ.
The lovely Sonora Desert Valley makes a beautiful backdrop to this handicap friendly city that is surrounded by five different mountain ranges. The lack of rain and average of 350 sunny days every year makes this area a haven for those with disabilities. There is more than 800 miles of paved paths that are handicap accessible for those who love to be out doors. This great city has more than 1,500 restaurants that are wheelchair accessible, which is perfect for those who enjoy a good meal.
14. Kenner, LA.
A quaint suburb of New Orleans, this city is more handicap friendly than its larger neighbor. The city has several museums, theaters, and a huge historic district called Rivertown that is located on the Mississippi River. All of the previous mentioned places are handicap accessible. There are numerous recreational facilities and the majority of the area’s handicapped are employed. The weather is great and almost all the local businesses offer handicapped parking and access.
15. New York City, NY.
This giant city has much to offer a person with disabilities, from its handicap friendly sidewalks to its transit system; this area is one of the best on the list. It is obvious that such a large city should have a lot to offer those with handicaps. It lives up to its expectations by offering a paratransit service and many different forms of transit with wheelchair access. The city is home to numerous world renowned museums, restaurants and business that all give easy access to the handicap. There are so many different types of people in this large city that those with a disability will not feel that they stand out. The area is home to many rehabilitation centers and specialist as well.
International Cities for those with Disabilities
The previous 15 cities were all in the United States, but what about those who chose to live or visit a city outside of America. They have some great choices as well. The following cities were chosen based on the original criteria such as air quality, transportation and hospitals.
16. Berlin, Germany
This famous city was chosen because it has a well-planned comprehensive disability policy that has heavily invested in turning the once divided city into a highly accessible and barrier-free environment for all. The city of Berlin has an impeccable transit system that is effortlessly accessible to all disable people. The entire city is invested in being fully accessible to those with handicaps. There is also a variety of attractions and tours for those with a disability. This is because Berlin gets, to a certain extent, a lot of attention for being a role model to other cities. Therefore much money is spent to make the city accessible as possible. The public transportation network consists of wheelchair accessible subways, trams, and buses. Almost all of the many theatres and museums are handicapped accessible, as well as many of the restaurants and bars. Due to the fact that Berlin caters to many tourists, the locals are very helpful to those with a disability.
17. Nantes, France
Nantes is located in beautiful West France on the Loire River which is only 31 miles from the Atlantic coast. This city has decided to take a full approach to design a city that is completely accessible to those with handicaps. They offer many different activities that are aimed at raising awareness of handicaps to make everyday life in the city easy for the disabled. This vibrant area has specifically trained architects and designers on how to set up and maintain areas for those in wheelchairs. This means that virtually every aspect of this city, from its many restaurants and museums to its convenient public transit system, is set up to accommodate numerous types of disabilities.
18. Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm was chosen because, for many years now, it has had an inclusive approach to the way it designs its architecture. It has a future plan called the “Vision Stockholm in 2030” that wishes to turn the city, which the central area consists of 30% water, into a fun city that is accessible to the handicapped. They are doing this by making all pedestrian crossings safe for those with disabilities. All public toilets and playground areas will be easily accessible to anyone with a disability. This makes Sweden the wave of the future.
19. Pamplona, Spain
This thrilling area, known for the Running of the Bulls, has also taken many steps to make an easy to get to urban environment. They have put into place a four-year plan that will renovate the local infrastructure to be more handicap accessible. This includes the old town area, where sidewalk pavement has already been lowered to make it easier for those with wheelchairs to access. They are revamping playgrounds and recreational areas to be accessible to the elderly and disabled. There are ramps, footbridges and elevators being installed throughout the city to offer solutions for the many uneven areas throughout the city.
20. Gdynia, Poland
This historic city is well-known for its continuous efforts to make the area’s public transit available to all. Almost all of its buses and more than half of it trollies are currently accessible to those with a disability. They are making more and more of them accessible every year and the city also has a unique information system that includes Braille signposts. Pylons and information boards are also easily accessible to those in wheelchairs. Most of the area’s restaurants and museums have handicapped parking and wide, automatic doors for the handicapped.
21. Bilbao, Spain
This is the second city in Spain on the list, and this one was chosen because of its information and communication technology (ICT) system. This system has been put in place to help those with disabilities. It includes a telephone services for those with hearing and speech issues, induction loops that help to eliminate loud background noises to improve city services to those with hearing problems, and a simultaneous translation terminal in all public offices.
22. Tallaght, Ireland
This last city on the list was chosen because of the wide-variety of modern services that the area has which improves the quality of life for those with disabilities. Tallaght has a 48-hour local repair service to quickly repair streets, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, recycling facilities, libraries, information services and more. This means that the disabled always have access to streets and facilities without having to endure areas that are unkempt.
How to Choose a City
The previous cities where chosen for many different reasons, but most of them have many things in common. Most of the cities were chosen because of their medical facilities, weather and climate, as well as transportation systems. These are not the only disability friendly cities out there. In fact, there are many more cities that would be great for a disabled person. When choosing a city to move to or simply visit, look at for those with great medical care and an extensive list of healthcare facilities.
The more health resources a city has to offer, the safer and happier those with disabilities tend to be.
It is also a good idea to check out the climate of the prospective city. A city that is always snowy and cold may not be a good idea for someone in a wheelchair because the ice can be very dangerous. Sunny, warm, and dry cities usually make the best choice. Transportation is one of the most important things to look at when choosing a city. Areas that have virtually no transit options can make it hard for those with a disability to get around. For those who use their own car, it is a good idea to see if the city has handicapped parking for most buildings.
Almost any city can be a good choice if it has the basic necessities for those with handicaps!
]]>In the United States there are more than six million high school students with disabilities. From spending four years learning both academics and having special assistance, many students face difficulties when it comes to selecting the right college or university that will equally assist them through their learning process. While the average student tries to decide their college choice based upon school ranking, location, and tuition, students with disabilities must also add to these questions whether or not the school has an efficient level of accommodations. This information can oftentimes be hard to find, mainly because most schools don’t always make this information readily available as a priority. However, our extensive research has discovered some of the most disability-friendly colleges for students needing all levels of assistance. Listed here are twenty of some of the most accommodating schools in the country
Ranked as one of the leading universities for all around wifi access and academic quality, Ball State University has established itself as an increasingly popular institution. With affordable tuition and a student body just over 21,000, Ball State can be the ideal choice for students looking for a intimate learning experience. Even more, Ball State is among the top schools in the country that is superbly equipped with special assistance. Apart from ramps, elevators, and easy-access buildings, Ball State features these extras:
This state university of academic excellence has consistently been one of Americas best performing schools. Apart from having impeccable all around security for classes, buildings, dorms, and off campus housing, U.O.A. holds a comfortable student body of over 30,000 peers. What’s more, it adds over 1,000 acres of land to its name and boasts an active level of clubs, sports, and activities. Students with disabilities are equally treasured in this schools reputation, because they have created an outstanding level of assistance. U.O.A. has specially equipped rooms, bathrooms, special shuttles, wheelchair sports, assisted swimming, and special classes to help new and returning students better adjust to their environment. This school is so accommodating that they will work with students’ individual needs to find ways to make their learning experience to meet all expectations.
A popular choice for students who love the sciences and business education, U.O.C. has a strong reputation for its academic satisfaction and college experience. Its student body is under 30,000, which gives students more one-on-one time with their professors and a better understanding of the material. U.O.C. is one of the best schools for students with varying disabilities, which brings it to this list. With all standard ramps, elevators, and buildings with special door activation, U.O.C. also has the following:
The social sciences, health, and business degrees make this school a prestigious institution. Cleveland State has incredibly affordable tuition under $10,000 dollars for in-state students, a couple thousand more for out of state. Cleveland is a special choice worth considering because, unlike the schools so far listed, they allow for students needing serious special attendance to have their caretaker live with them in their dormitories. In addition, Cleveland also has specially accommodated rooms and online tutorials for incoming students.
Sprawled on the rural plains of Connecticut, U.O.C. understands that while having inspirational natural surroundings is pleasant, it can also be challenging for students with disabilities. Social Science, Business, and Engineering programs continues to draw students from around the country to U.O.C., but for its student body with special needs, it’s the support. U.O.C. provides the following:
Also a campus located in rural surroundings, Edinboro’s most popular degrees center around their visual and performing arts and education programs. A small student body of under 10,000 students, Edinboro is affordable for most students, as well as keen to offer financial assistance. What makes Edinboro special for students with disabilities is that they continue to expand their services to become one of the first choices for such students. Edinboro is among the best schools in America when it comes to the following:
The University of Houston is simply gorgeous and lively. It boasts a massive variety of active clubs and organizations, Greek life, renowned sports teams, and innovative Marketing, Management, and Psychology degrees, just to name a few. A student body of over 30,000 and tuition affordable under $30,000, U.O.H. is one of the institutions creating the most buzz today. What’s also fabulous about U.O.H. is the following:
U.O.I. is proud to have the largest Greek life body in the world. Additionally, its Graduate school of Library and Information Science, Engineering, and Psychology studies are highly ranked as the best in the country. Very impressive, U.O.I. likes to be able to say that it can offer every student a comfortable level of interest and assistance. Here are some special features U.O.I. offers:
This small institution prides itself in being not only affordable, but holding some of the most celebrated faculty members in the country. U.S.C. is affordable and accommodating. If you’re interested in an engaging learning experience in Engineering, Marketing, and Management (the schools leading programs), this might be the right choice for you. U.S.C. has these features for special students:
Its Graduate programs of Education and Management make it one of the most recognized schools in the country. M.S.U. also has contending sports teams, a wonderful location near the city, and more than 36,000 students make up the student body, which can be exciting for students looking to immerse themselves in a large school. M.S.U. supports students with disabilities with these including features;
A smaller ranked recently ranked #107 in the country, S.M.U. has a remarkable Business Management program that consistently draws students on an annual basis. With reasonably sized classes between 20 and 40 students, S.M.U. delivers a personal quality to the educational experience that allows many students to thrive. S.M.U. is smaller than many other state colleges, but it still is able to help students with special needs go through the process of adjusting in their school. S.M.U. staff help students to find aides for students who need lodging assistance, and what’s more, S.M.U. offer basketball, soccer, and intercollegiate sports for students to continue to be active and feel a part of their academic family.
Anyone who takes a panoramic glimpse of U.O.M. will be mesmerized by its beauty and want to join. U.O.M. has nearly 30,000 students on its 1,250 acres of historical excellence and charming foliage. Its sports teams are recognized around the country and its most popular programs of Business, Communication, and Health have produced achieving professionals in various fields. U.O.M. doesn’t hold back on making sure that they can cater to all students, including those with special needs. Among their student body are thriving deaf students, the legally blind, ADHD, wheelchair bound, and many more.
Here are just some of their amazing features:
This university is not only recognized around the country but around the world. NYU draws students from more than 100 countries into its student body. Top programs include Journalism, Communication, and the arts. NYU offers special scholarship to students with special needs, and special housing. Recreational programs and a selection of sports are also included, as well as buses that are made to accommodate assisting devices. It is also mandatory for all snow-covered paths to be cleared immediately for the easy passage of special students. It should also be noted that students who need their aides to live with them are provided with free housing.
Its student body of 13,000 are proud to attend the school ranked #67 among southern tier universities. Programs of Business, Marketing, and Management spur this school forward as one of the growing institutions for all prospective students. N.K.U. has the small, friendly feel that many new students are looking for in their college choices. N.K.U continues to grow its facilities that help cater to students with disabilities, and currently among them are the following:
This Liberal Arts college is nestled in the suburbs of New Jersey. It’s modern appeal draws many students from the east and west coasts, but also its immense choice from over 40 programs of graduate and undergraduate study. R.C. has impressive Communications, Speech, and Journalism programs of great variety in their respective fields, as well as graduate program for nurses.
R.C. offers special students appropriately equipped rooms; help finding outside aides to assist with living tasks; wheelchair sports to keep students active and engaged; shuttle service; group programs to make students more comfortable and to meet others; independent living training; hearing, seeing, and speaking aides, as well as classroom assistance and educated professors in the varying abilities and disabilities of their students; and even better, advice and help for special students in the advancing of their careers and placement.
This elite and private university is not to be considered ‘off the list’ for students with special needs. A small student body, Stanford is a bold name that has many attractions for potential students. Its nationally celebrated degree programs are the following: Law, Education, Engineering, Business, and Medicine. From Greek life to exciting sports teams to extracurricular clubs, there is something for the ambitious student to be a part of. When it comes to students with special needs, many options are available, from class assistance in the form of hearing, speech, writing aides, campus counseling and programs, as well as professors who will work to accommodate your needs.
Extra are among the following:
A student body of over 14,000, Wright State is located in the suburbs and attracts students for its Business, Psychology, and Nursing programs. Wright State has a thorough and impressive list of services which are the following:
More than 30,000 students make up the U.O.W. student body because of its beauty and continued innovation in education today. Economics, Political Science, and Biology are the leading choices of degrees at U.O.W. but the institution offers a massive variety of career options and encourages a strong diversified campus. For students with disabilities, U.O.W. offers the special assistance facilities listed below:
The classes offered at Wayne State are ideal for new and academically driven students because most do not exceed fifty peers. One of the most recognized schools in MI., Wayne State has strong Law, Medicine, and Business programs with over 400 programs of study. Wayne state is a university that accommodates special students with ramps, elevators, clear walkways, and easy access buildings, but there is much more.
Located in the city, U.O.V. is surrounded by lively activities, beautiful lakes, and sprawling grounds. The respected school is home to more than 11,000 students and has active clubs and organizations. Students looking to study Psychology, Business, or English will be thrilled to know that these are the leading fields of interest at U.O.V. In addition, U.O.V. has and is continuing to expand their facilities that cater to students with special needs. U.O.V. has limited special specially designed lodgings, but it continues to integrate equipment throughout their premises for student comfort. Currently, these are the most popular readily provided services:
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